Page 10 - RxExam's Naplex Theory Review Part-1
P. 10                                                                   Krisman

                               Dose             Special Notes

               Quinidine       1 tablet (300    1). Quinidine is indicated for the treatment of the following:
               (Injection)     mg) every 8 to
               (Tablet, ER)    12 hours.        a). Conversion of atrial fibrillation /flutter to normal sinus rhythm.
                                                b). To reduce the frequency of relapse into atrial fibrillation/flutter.
                                                c). To suppress life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

                                                2). Severe diarrhea and cinchonism are major side effects of Quinidine.
                                                Tinnitus, blurred vision, hearing loss and excessive salivation are signs
                                                of cinchonism.

                                                3). Quinidine induces arrhythmia, and can be treated with glucagon,
                                                catecholamine and sodium lactate.

                                                4). At higher doses, quinidine produces ventricular fibrillation by
                                                stimulation of vagus nerves. Digitalization prior to quinidine therapy
                                                prevents this ventricular fibrillation by suppressing the A.V. node.

               Procainamide    Orally, 50mg/kg   1). Procainamide (Procanbid) is indicated for the treatment of sustained
               (Tablet)        of body weight   ventricular tachycardia.
               (Capsule)       per day; given in
               (Tablet, ER)    divided doses    2). Procainamide (Procanbid) induces blood dyscrasia usually returns to
                               every 3 hours.   normal within one month after discontinuing the drug.

                                                3). Prolonged administration of Procainamide (Procanbid) results in a
                                                positive antinuclear antibody test with or without symptoms of lupus-
                                                erythematosus-like syndrome.

                                                4). Therapy should be withdrawn if signs or symptoms of S.L.E-like
                                                syndrome, hemolytic anemia or leukopenia are observed.

                                                5). Agranulocytosis, bone marrow depression, neutropenia, severe
                                                hypotension, thrombocytopenia and lupus erythematosus syndrome
                                                are reported side effects of Procainamide (Procanbid).

               Disopyramide    400 to 800 mg    1). Disopyramide (Norpace, Rythmodan) has a profound negative
               (Capsule)       per day given in   inotropic action, and requires careful monitoring in patients suffering
               (Capsule, ER)   divided doses.   from congestive heart failure.

                                                2). Disopyramide (Norpace, Rythmodan) is indicated for the treatment
                                                of sustained ventricular tachycardia.

                                                3). Dose related anticholinergic side effects, hypotension and
                                                congestive heart failure are reported side effects of Disopyramide.
                                                Because of anticholinergic properties of Disopyramide, it is
                                                contraindicated in patients suffering from glaucoma, M. Gravies, or
                                                urinary retention.

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