Page 19 - Fpgee Question And Answer 2024 Edition
P. 19                                                                  Krisman

            to be swollen, tender and sore, even if it is slightly   eardrum,  the  ossicular  chain  (hammer,  anvil,  and
            touched.                                              stirrup  -  or  malleus,  incus,  and  stapes),  the
                                                                  eustachian tube, and the outer surface of the oval
            382.(d)  The cerebellum is a two-lobed region of the   and  round  windows  (fenestrae).  The  inner  ear
            brain located behind the brainstem. The cerebellum    includes the vestibule, the semicircular canals, the
            receives  messages  concerning  balance,  posture,    inner surface of the oval and round windows, and
            muscle  tone  and  muscle  contraction  or  extension.   the cochlea.
            Working in coordination with the basal ganglia and
            thalamus,  the  cerebellum  integrates,  adjusts  and   The internal ear has the organ of Corti for hearing in
            refines  messages  transmitted  to  muscle  groups    the cochlea and three cristae and two maculae to
            from  the  cerebral  cortex  (i.e.  motor  cortex). Thus,   control  the  equilibrium.  Crista  controls  dynamic
            the cerebellum plays an essential role in producing   equilibrium  and  angular  acceleration  whereas
            smooth,   coordinated   voluntary   movements;        macula  controls  static  equilibrium  and  linear
            maintaining proper posture; and sustaining balance.   acceleration.

                                                                  384.  (b)  Kwashiorkor  is  a  protein-deficient
                                                                  malnutrition disorder. It is usually seen in children.
                                                                  Skin  lesions,  edema,  anorexia,  depigmented  hair
                                                                  and a decrease in plasma albumin concentration are
                                                                  common symptoms associated with this disease.

                                                                  Marasmus  is  also  known  as  a  protein  deficit
                                                                  disorder.  It  occurs  due  to  chronic  deficiency  of
                                                                  calories  and  can  occur  even  in  the  presence  of
                                                                  intake of adequate protein. Weakness, anemia and
                                                                  extreme  muscle weakness  are  common  symptoms
                                                                  associated with this disease.

            The cerebrum is the brain’s largest section. It can be   385. (b) Immunoglobulins are in the antibody class
            divided  into  two  parts:  the  left  and  right  cerebral   of proteins. They can be subdivided into five major
            hemispheres. These hemispheres are joined by the      categories.
            corpus  callosum,  which  enables  “messages”  to  be
            delivered between the two halves. The right side of   IgG: It is the major immunoglobulin found in blood.
            the brain controls the left side of the body, and vice   It  accounts  for  75%  of  the  serum  immunoglobulin
            versa. Each hemisphere also has four lobes that are   and  20%  of  plasma  protein.  It  is  the  only
            responsible   for   different   functions:   frontal   immunoglobulin that can cross the placental barrier
            (behavior,  emotions,  problem  solving);  temporal   to provide protection to a fetus. It is the only class
            (short-term  memory,  identification  of  sound  and   of  immunoglobulin  whose  Fc  region  can  be
            smell);  parietal  (touch,  language  comprehension),   recognized by phagocytosis and NK cells.
            and  occipital  (visual  processing,  shape  and  color
            identification).                                      IgM:   It  is  the  first  immunoglobulin  produced  by
                                                                  the body in response to antigen. It accounts for 5 to
            383. (a)  The  ear  is  the  organ  of  hearing,  which  is   10%  of  total  immunoglobulins.  It  is  the  first
            divided  into  three  parts:  the  outer,  middle,  and   immunoglobulin  that  is  formed  by  the  fetus;
            inner  ear.  The  external  ear  includes  the  sound-  however  it  cannot  cross  the  placenta  due  to  its
            collecting  visible  portion  (auricle  or  pinna),  the   large size.
            outer ear canal (external auditory meatus), and the
            outer  surface  of  the  eardrum  (tympanum).  The
            middle  ear  includes  the  inner  surface  of  the

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