Page 18 - Fpgee Question And Answer 2024 Edition
P. 18                                                                  Krisman

            IgE: It is also known as Reagin. It accounts for less
            than  1%  of  the  total  immunoglobulins.  It  plays  an
            important  role  fighting  against  helminths.  It  is
            elevated  in  patients  suffering  from  asthma,  hay
            fever  or  any  other  allergic  diseases.  It  is  found  in
            body fluids and beneath the skin and mucosa.

            IgG:  It  is  the  principal  immunoglobulin  among  all
            the  classes  of  immunoglobulins.  It  accounts  for  as
            much  as  70%  of  the  serum  immunoglobulins  and
            20%  of  all  plasma  protein.  It  is  the  only
            immunoglobulin  which  can  cross  the  placenta  and
            provide  antibody  protection  to  the  developing
                                                                  378. (b) The glomerular filtration rate or GFR is the
            IgM: It is the first immunoglobulin type produced in   volume  of  fluid  filtered  from  the  renal  glomerular
            response  to  the  immune  system.  It  accounts  for   capillaries  into  Bowman’s  capsule  per  unit  time.
            20% of total immunoglobulins in human serum. It is    Clinically, this is often measured to determine renal
            also the first immunoglobulin produced by a fetus.    function. The GFR in normal adults will be between
            It cannot cross the placenta.                         80  to  120  ml/minute.  If  the  GFR  falls  below  30
                                                                  ml/minute,  a  patient  must  see  a  kidney  disease
            376. (a) The number of WBCs (White Blood Cells) in    specialist (called a nephrologist).
            a  healthy  person  ranges  from  5000  to  10,000  per
            cubic ml of whole blood. An average WBC count in a    379.(c)  The  renin-angiotensin  system  (RAS)  or  the
            normal adult is 7000 per cubic ml. WBC counts in an   renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a hormone
            acute infection may rise as high as 20,000 to 30,000   system  that  helps  regulate  long-term  blood
            per  cubic  ml  of  blood.  This  rise  in  WBC  count  is   pressure and blood volume in the body. The system
            called leukocytosis, whereas the fall of WBC counts   can  be  activated  when  there  is  a  loss  of  blood
            below  4000  is  called  leukopenia,  e.g.  in  folic  acid   volume  or  a  drop  in  blood  pressure.  Renin  is  an
            deficiency and tuberculosis.                          enzyme  that  acts  on  angiotensinogen  to  form  the
                                                                  angiotensin I. This angiotensin I is then converted to
            When WBC counts increase abnormally, it is called     angiotensin  II  by  ACE  (angiotensin  converting
            leukemia  or  blood  cancer.  In  this  disease,  WBC   enzyme).    Angiotensin  II  then  stimulates  the
            counts rise and take the place of RBCs in the blood.    secretion of aldosterone, which finally increases the
                                                                  reabsorption of Na  ions and blood volume.
            377.  (b)  Bowman’s  capsule  is  a  cup-shaped
            structure with a thin double membrane present in      380. (c)  Urea  is  the  waste  product  of  protein
            the renal cortex. In the cavity of Bowman’s capsule,   metabolism, formed in the liver by detoxification of
            there  is  a  group  of  about  50  capillaries  called   ammonia  and  removed  from  the  body  via  the
            glomerulus.                                           kidneys.

            The glomerular capillary wall has numerous minute     381.(c)   Gout  is  a  form  of  arthritis  caused  by  the
            pores. Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus are both       accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. It is an
            collectively known as the Malpighian body. It serves   immensely  painful  disease,  which  in  most  cases
            as  a  filter  to  remove  organic  wastes,  excess   affects only one joint, most commonly the big toe.
            inorganic  salts,  and  water.  Ultrafiltration  is  an   The  patient  usually  suffers  from  two  sources  of
            entirely passive process.                             pain.  Crystals  inside  joints  cause  immense  pain
                                                                  when the affected area is moved. The inflammation
                                                                  of the tissues around the joint also causes the skin

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