Page 17 - Fpgee Question And Answer 2024 Edition
P. 17                                                                  Krisman

            1014.  Which  of  the  following  is  NOT  the  sign  of   1020.  Dipyridamole is a(n):
                                                                  a.     ACE inhibitor
            a.     Bradycardia                                    b.     Platelet adhesion inhibitor
            b.     Flaccid paralysis of extremities               c.     HMG-COA inhibitor
            c.     Paresthesias                                   d.     Monoamine Oxidase inhibitor
            d.     Leg cramps
                                                                  1021.  Mesoridazine (Serentil) is available as a(n):
            1015.  Which  of  the  following  topical  agents  is
                   indicated  for  an  adjunctive  therapy  of    I.     Tablet
                   patients with second or third degree burns?    II.    Concentrate syrup
                                                                  III.   Injection
            a.     Mafenide
            b.     Butenafine                                     a.      I only
            c.     Tolnaftate                                     b.      I and II only
            d.     Clobetasole                                    c.      II and III only
                                                                  d.      All
            1016.  Olanzapine  is  indicated  for  the  treatment
                   of: (Select All That Apply)                    1022.  Doxercalciferol  (Hectorol)  is  indicated  for
                                                                         the treatment of:
            a.     Treatment resistant depression
            b.     Bipolar-1 disorder                             a.     Hypothyroidism
            c.     Bipolar-2 disorder                             b.     Cretinism
            d.     Schizophrenia                                  c.     Acromegaly
                                                                  d.     Hyperparathyroidism
            1017.  Tamsulosin  (Flomax)  is  indicated  for  the
                   treatment of:                                  1023.  Children  suffering  from  Reye’s  syndrome
                                                                         should avoid:
            a.     Hypertension
            b.     BPH                                            a.     Acyclovir
            c.     Cystic fibrosis                                b.     Aspirin
            d.     Diabetes                                       c.     Ketoconazole
                                                                  d.     Famciclovir
            1018.  Telmisartan (Micardis) is a(n):
                                                                  1024.  The  principal  side  effect  of  Metformin
            a.     Beta-1 blocker                                        (Glucophage) is:
            b.     Alpha-2 blocker
            c.     Angiotensin II receptor blocker                a.     Glomerulonephritis
            d.     Beta-2 blocker                                 b.     Lactic acidosis
                                                                  c.     Pulmonary fibrosis
            1019.  Patients  with  hypersensitivity  to  Aspirin   d.    S.L.E.
                   should avoid:
                                                                  1025.  Metformin  (Glucophage)  normally  does
            a.     Mitomycin                                             what?
            b.     Irbesartan
            c.     Meloxicam                                      I.     Decreases hepatic glucose production.
            d.     Abacavir                                       II.    Decreases intestinal absorption of glucose.
                                                                  III.   Stimulates beta cells of langerhans.

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