A pharmacist licensed in Illinois may fill or refill a valid prescription for Ambien which is on file in a pharmacy licensed in North Carolina.
True, [Illinois Pharmacy Practice Act 225 ILCS 85/19(5)].
Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to prohibit a pharmacist licensed in this State from filling or refilling a valid prescription for prescription drugs which is on file in a pharmacy licensed in any state and has been transferred from one pharmacy to another by any means, including by way of electronic data processing equipment upon the following conditions and exceptions:
(1). Prior to dispensing pursuant to any such prescription, the dispensing pharmacist shall:
(a). Advise the patient that the prescription on file at such other pharmacy must be canceled before he or she will be able to fill or refill it.
(b). Determine that the prescription is valid and on file at such other pharmacy and that such prescription may be filled or refilled, as requested, in accordance with the prescriber's intent expressed on such prescription.
(c). Notify the pharmacy where the prescription is on file that the prescription must be canceled.
(d). Record in writing the prescription order, the name of the pharmacy at which the prescription was on file, the prescription number, the name of the drug and the original amount dispensed, the date of original dispensing, and the number of remaining authorized refills.
(e). Obtain the consent of the prescriber to the refilling of the prescription when the prescription, in the professional judgment of the dispensing pharmacist, so requires.
When filling or refilling a valid prescription on file in another state, the dispensing pharmacist shall be required to follow all the requirements of Illinois law which apply to the dispensing of prescription drugs. If anything in Illinois law prevents the filling or refilling of the original prescription it shall be unlawful to dispense pursuant to this Section.
Prescriptions for drugs in Schedules III, IV, and V of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act may be transferred only once and may not be further transferred. However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, online database may transfer up to the maximum refills permitted by the law and the prescriber's authorization.