Page 11 - Management Theory 2023-2024 Edition
P. 11                                                                  Krisman

            The pharmacist is most involved in the illness behavior, to a large extent in the sick role behavior, and in very
            few instances with the health behavior.

            A. Health Behavior:

            Any activity undertaken by a person who believes himself or herself to be healthy for the purpose of preventing
            disease or detecting disease in an asymptomatic stage.

            Health behavior of people can be successfully expressed by the Health Belief Model. According to this model,
            people who step up to obtain preventive care or follow good nutrition and exercise in order to maintain good
            health are driven by the following factors:

            1.     The psychological effects of an individual (for example, a person whose father is suffering from diabetes
                   will more likely be involved with preventive care than a person without such psychological effects.

            2.     The individual must also believe that a proposed action should be feasible and appropriate to use, and
                   that it would reduce susceptibility to the condition or to the seriousness of the condition.

            3.     Some sort of cue or stimulus is needed to trigger an action response. For example, a person with poor
                   eating habits may be convinced to pay more attention to eating habits if they are told they may cause
                   ulcer or bowel problems in the long run.

            Health Locus of Control Model and Health Behavior:

            This  is  another theoretical  model  that  is widely  used  to explain  an  individual health  behavior. This model  is
            usually administered to large population samples, and can be measured by a survey instrument.

            Factors that affect individual health behavior under this model are:

            1.     Previous illness experience
            2.     Religious belief
            3.     Educational level
            4.     Economic status

            The Fundamental Attribution Errors and Health (Survey Instrument):

            An attribute is a characteristic or property that an individual has. For example, Steve is a handsome young man.
            The observer can assign another characteristic to him: I think he is an honest young man. In the above example,
            the observer is making an attribution based on what he noticed. However, an attribution made by an observer
            may be true or may not be. There are three possibilities:

            1.     Steve may always exhibit this trait (honesty).
            2.     Steve may exhibit this trait (honesty) only in certain situations.
            3.     Steve may seldom exhibit this trait (honesty).

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