The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process is a systematic method of identifying and preventing:
a. medication errors before they occur.
b. medication abuses before they occur.
c. product and process problems before they occur.
d. diversion of controlled substances before they occur.
Answer: The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process is a "systematic method of identifying and preventing product and process problems before they occur." FMEA is the tool that has the potential to be an integral part of any risk assessment and, therefore, the risk management process. FMEAs focus on identifying and removing defects, enhancing safety, and increasing customer satisfaction.
Assessing Risk and Opportunities for Change (AROC) is designed to help community pharmacy personnel identify potential medication safety risks and prevent errors. Pharmacists can use these materials and tools to pinpoint specific areas of weakness in their medication delivery systems and to provide a starting point for successful organizational improvements.