It shall be unlawful for any distributor of a prescription drug to distribute a prescription drug without charge or for less than its fair market value to a patient by a pharmacist in response to a request written and signed by a medical practitioner which designates the quantity to be distributed.
False, [Illinois Pharmacy Practice Act 225 ILCS 85/24].
It shall be unlawful for any manufacturer or distributor of a prescription drug, or any person on behalf of such manufacturer or distributor, to distribute a prescription drug without charge or for less than its fair market value to any person directly or indirectly. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to PROHIBIT the distribution of a prescription drug:
(a). at a discount in accordance with the laws of the United States or the State of Illinois;
(b). to a person for use in an investigation conducted under Federal Food and Drug Administration regulations;
(c). to a patient by a pharmacist in response to a request written and signed by a medical practitioner which designates the quantity to be distributed;
(d). to a licensed medical practitioner in response to a request signed by the practitioner which designates the quantity to be distributed;
(e). to an agency of the federal government or to a state government or political subdivision for regulatory or enforcement purposes;
(f). in an emergency as determined by the laws of the United States or the State of Illinois; or
(g). to a bona fide charity authorized to possess and dispense prescription drugs.