Page 7 - Referance Guide For Pharmaceutical Calculations (Naplex, Fpgee and Ptce)
P. 7

mOsmol/L (OsmolaRITY)            =       (weight  of  substance  [g/L]  x  no  of  species  x  1000)  /
                                                             molecular weight
                    mOsmol/kg (OsmolaLITY)           =       (weight  of  substance  [g/kg]  x  no  of  species  x  1000)  /
                                                             molecular weight

                                                        Ideal Gas Law

                    PV                               =       nRT    where  P  =  pressure,  V  =  volume,  n  =  number  of
                                                             moles, R = 0.082 lit atm/mole deg and T = temperature
                                                             in Kevin
                    PV                               =       g/M x R x T where P = pressure, V = volume, g = grams of
                                                             gas, M= molecular weight of gas,  R = 0.082 lit atm/mole
                                                             deg and T = temperature in Kevin

                                                     Alcohol Proof Gallon

                    Proof gallon                     =       (U.S. gallons  x  % v/v alcohol) / 50
                    Proof gallon                     =       (U.S. gallons    x  proof spirit) / 100
                    % strength                       =       proof spirit / 2

                                                    Child Dose Calculation

                    Young                            =       (age in years / age + 12)   x   adult dose
                    Clark’s                          =       (weight in lbs / 150)  x  adult dose
                    Child’s dose                     =       (body surface area of child / 1.73 m  )  x  adult dose
                    Fried’s rule                     =       (age in months / 150) x adult dose

                                                       TPN Calculation

                    Hydrous dextrose/gm provides     =       3.4 calories
                    Anhydrous dextrose/gm provides   =       4 calories
                    Fat/gm provides                  =       9 calories
                    Amino acid/gm provides           =       4 calories
                    Glycerol/gm provides             =       4.3 calories
                    Alcohol/cc provides              =       5.6 calories
                    *MCT /gm provides                =       8.3 calories

                                                  pH and Buffer Calculation

                    pH                               =       pKa  +  log  (salt/acid)  or  (ionized/unionized)  (for  weak
                    pH                               =       pKw  -  pKb  +  log (base/salt) (for weak base)
                    pKw                              =       pKa  +  pKb

                               k   H O   +
                     =  2.3c   a   3      (Van Slyke’s Buffer Capacity Equation)
                             (k + [H O  + ]) 2

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