Page 4 - FPGEE Management Q&A Book
P. 4                                                                  Krisman


            I am very happy to introduce this review book that covers the major portion of pharmacy management and
            pharmacoeconomics. As in recent years, FPGEE exam is putting more weight on management and the economic
            portion of the pharmaceutical field, which has inspired me to introduce a book that may help students to answers
            questions in the exam related to these topics.

            I tried to cover all the pharmacy management and pharmacoeconomics aspects in this book. The reason to
            introduce this review book is to provide foreign students with enough information regarding the management
            aspect of health care in the U.S.

            The students must try to understand the information provided in this guide since that’s the only way to apply
            your logic to answer management and economics related questions in the exam. You may not receive
            straightforward questions from this book, however the information presented in this book will definitely help you
            to guess the best logical answer for a given question.

            I hope my efforts will bring you much success.

            Best of luck,

            Manan H. Shroff

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