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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law a bill that will require prescribers and pharmacists to register for the state’s prescription monitoring program (PMP) and to check the database that tracks controlled substance (CS) prescriptions under certain situations. The legislation, S-1998, includes the following requirements:
Pharmacists will be required to consult the state PMP before dispensing a Schedule II CS if they believe the patient may be seeking the prescription for any use other than medical treatment.

Pharmacists will be required to report dispensing a CS no more than seven days after doing so.

On September 1, 2015, pharmacists will be required to report CS prescription information daily, or no more than one business day after a CS was dispensed. Pharmacists must also submit identifying information for anyone who picks up a controlled substance prescription on behalf of another patient if abuse or misuse is suspected.

Under the law, prescribers must consult the PMP the first time they prescribe a Schedule II CS to a patient for acute and chronic pain, and quarterly thereafter for patients who continue to receive such medications. More information about the new law is available in a press release from the governor’s office.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently signed into law a bill that will require prescribers and pharmacists to register for the state’s prescription monitoring program (PMP) and to check the database that tracks controlled substance (CS) prescriptions under certain situations. The legislation, S-1998, includes the following requirements:
Pharmacists will be required to consult the state PMP before dispensing a Schedule II CS if they believe the patient may be seeking the prescription for any use other than medical treatment.
Pharmacists will be required to report dispensing a CS no more than seven days after doing so.

On September 1, 2015, pharmacists will be required to report CS prescription information daily, or no more than one business day after a CS was dispensed. Pharmacists must also submit identifying information for anyone who picks up a controlled substance prescription on behalf of another patient if abuse or misuse is suspected.

Under the law, prescribers must consult the PMP the first time they prescribe a Schedule II CS to a patient for acute and chronic pain, and quarterly thereafter for patients who continue to receive such medications. More information about the new law is available in a press release from the governor’s office.

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Ohio pharmacists are among the latest in the country to be allowed to dispense naloxone, a drug that reverses opioid overdose, without a prescription. Last week, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law modifications to Section 4729.44 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 4729-5-39 of the Ohio Administrative Code allowing pharmacists to dispense the drug under a physician-approved protocol. The legislation is effective immediately, and the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy has compiled information and other resources on its website to help pharmacists comply with the new rules.

Ohio pharmacists are among the latest in the country to be allowed to dispense naloxone, a drug that reverses opioid overdose, without a prescription. Last week, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law modifications to Section 4729.44 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 4729-5-39 of the Ohio Administrative Code allowing pharmacists to dispense the drug under a physician-approved protocol. The legislation is effective immediately, and the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy has compiled information and other resources on its website to help pharmacists comply with the new rules.


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Levetiracetam is indicated for the treatment of:

a. Diabetes
b. Hypertension
c. Seizure
d. Parkinson’s
e. Depression

Levetiracetam is indicated for the treatment of:

a. Diabetes
b. Hypertension
c. Seizure
d. Parkinson’s
e. Depression

Answer: Seizure. Levetiracetam (Spritam) is indicated for the treatment of partial onset seizures, myoclonic seizures and primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in adults and children with epilepsy.
Spritam utilizes Aprecia's proprietary ZipDose® Technology platform, a groundbreaking advance that uses three-dimensional printing (3DP) to produce a porous formulation that rapidly disintegrates with a sip of liquid.1 While 3DP has been used previously to manufacture medical devices, this approval marks the first time a drug product manufactured with this technology has been approved by the FDA.
ZipDose Technology enables the delivery of a high drug load, up to 1,000 mg in a single dose. As a result, Spritam enhances the patient experience - administration of even the largest strengths of Levetiracetam (Spritam) with just a sip of liquid. In addition, with Spritam there is no measuring required as each dose is individually packaged, making it easy to carry this treatment on the go.
The recommended daily dose is 1000 to 3000 mg per day.
Sleepiness, weakness, dizziness, infection, tiredness, acting aggressive, nasal congestion, decreased appetite, and irritability are commonly reported side effects of Levetiracetam (Spritam).
Levetiracetam is also available under the trade names Keppra and Elepsia.

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Previously checked medication refills may be handed to patients or their agents by registered technicians in the pharmacist's absence.

True or False

Previously checked medication refills may be handed to patients or their agents by registered technicians in the pharmacist's absence.
True or False
True, [Administrative Rules Montana Board of Pharmacy 24.174.403].
(1). In any pharmacy staffed by a single pharmacist, the pharmacist shall take a meal/rest break for a period of up to 30 minutes per shift without closing the pharmacy and removing support personnel, provided the pharmacist reasonably believes that the security of prescription drugs will be maintained in the pharmacist's absence.
(2). The time of the meal/rest break will be conspicuously posted in clear view of patients approaching the prescription area.
(3). In the pharmacist's absence a sign indicating that no pharmacist is on duty will be conspicuously displayed in clear view of patients approaching the prescription area.
(4). The pharmacist will remain on the premises if the prescription area is to remain open, and be available for emergencies.
(5). When authorized by the pharmacist, only registered technicians and interns directly involved in the process of filling prescriptions may remain in the prescription department to perform nondiscretionary duties as delineated by the pharmacist.
(6). Upon returning, the pharmacist shall review any work performed in the pharmacist's absence.
(7). In the pharmacist's absence there may be no dispensing of NEW prescriptions that the pharmacist has checked and that are waiting to be picked up, nor may counseling be provided.
(8). At the discretion of the pharmacist, previously checked medication REFILLS may be handed to patients or their agents by registered technicians in the pharmacist's absence, and the technicians must offer the patient counseling by the pharmacist. If the patient desires counseling, the patient may wait for the pharmacist to return or may leave a telephone number for the pharmacist to call upon return.
(9). Telephoned new prescriptions must not be accepted by support personnel in the pharmacist's absence.
(10). New hardcopy prescriptions may be accepted and processed by registered technicians in the pharmacist's absence. These prescriptions may not be dispensed until the pharmacist has performed prospective drug review and completed the final check.
(11). If two or more pharmacists are on duty, the pharmacists shall stagger their breaks so that the prescription department is not left without a pharmacist on duty.
(12). The pharmacist-in-charge shall develop written policies and procedures for operation of the prescription department in the temporary absence of the pharmacist.

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A pharmacist whose application for licensure has been denied or revoked or suspended for unprofessional conduct shall be eligible to be registered as a pharmacy technician.

A pharmacist whose application for licensure has been denied or revoked or suspended for unprofessional conduct shall be eligible to be registered as a pharmacy technician.

Answer: False, [Administrative Rules Vermont Board of Pharmacy Part 5 Section 5.2(b)].
No person who has:
(1). held a pharmacist license, or
(2). whose application for licensure has been denied or revoked or suspended for unprofessional conduct shall be eligible to be registered as a pharmacy technician unless the Board, in its sole discretion, determines that good cause exists to register the individual.

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Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE under the Vermont State Pharmacy Law?
I. All drug outlets shall biennially register with the board of pharmacy.
II. Any nonpublic corporation owning a retail or institutional drug outlet, upon application, shall declare all owners of five percent or more of the stock of the corporation.
III. Retail and institutional drug outlets shall be managed by licensed pharmacists who have held an unrestricted license in this or another state for at least 3 years.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above

Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE under the Vermont State Pharmacy Law?
I. All drug outlets shall biennially register with the board of pharmacy.
II. Any nonpublic corporation owning a retail or institutional drug outlet, upon application, shall declare all owners of five percent or more of the stock of the corporation.
III. Retail and institutional drug outlets shall be managed by licensed pharmacists who have held an unrestricted license in this or another state for at least 3 years.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above

Answer: I and II only, [Vermont Statues Title 26 Chapter 36 Section 2061].
(a). All drug outlets shall biennially register with the board of pharmacy.
(b). Each drug outlet shall apply for a license in one of the following classifications:
(1). Retail drug outlet;
(2). Institutional drug outlet;
(3). Manufacturing drug outlet;
(4). Wholesale drug outlet or wholesale drug distributor;
(5). Investigative and research projects.
(c). No individual who is employed by a corporation which is licensed under any classification listed in subsection (b) of this section need obtain a license under the provisions of this subchapter.
(d). The board shall establish by rule under the powers granted to it under section 2032 of this title and 3 V.S.A. chapter 25, the criteria which each drug outlet, that has employees or personnel engaged in the practice of pharmacy, must meet to qualify for licensure in each classification designated in subsection (b) of this section.
The board may issue various types of licenses with varying restrictions to such outlets referred to in this subsection where the board deems it necessary by reason of the type drug outlet requesting a license.
(e). Retail and institutional drug outlets shall be managed by licensed pharmacists who have held an unrestricted license in this or another state for at least one year (Not 3 years). A pharmacist who holds a restricted license may petition the board for permission to be a pharmacist manager, which may be granted by the board for good cause shown.
(f). Any nonpublic corporation owning a retail or institutional drug outlet, upon application, shall declare all owners of five percent or more of the stock of the corporation.

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If a pharmacist selects a pharmaceutically equivalent drug product for a prescribed product, the selected pharmaceutically equivalent drug product may not be rated less than ___________ as documented in Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations.
a. AB
b. BD
c. BS
d. EE

If a pharmacist selects a pharmaceutically equivalent drug product for a prescribed product, the selected pharmaceutically equivalent drug product may not be rated less than ___________ as documented in Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations.
a. AB
b. BD
c. BS
d. EE

Answer: AB, [South Dakota Administrative Rule 20:51:14:04].
An equivalent drug product is a drug product that is considered to be pharmaceutically equivalent to a drug product that contains the same active ingredient(s) as determined by the Food and Drug Administration in Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, 19th Edition, 1999 (orange book).
If a pharmacist selects a pharmaceutically equivalent drug product for a prescribed product, the selected pharmaceutically equivalent drug product may not be rated less than AB as documented in Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (orange book).

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Registered pharmacists in South Dakota may:
I.  Perform drug administration pursuant to a prescription drug order.
II. Perform or participate in scientific or clinical drug or drug-related research as an investigator or in collaboration with other investigators.
III. Interpret and apply pharmacokinetic data and other pertinent laboratory data to design safe and effective drug dosage regimens.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above

Registered pharmacists in South Dakota may:
I.  Perform drug administration pursuant to a prescription drug order.
II. Perform or participate in scientific or clinical drug or drug-related research as an investigator or in collaboration with other investigators.
III. Interpret and apply pharmacokinetic data and other pertinent laboratory data to design safe and effective drug dosage regimens.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above

Answer: All, [South Dakota Statue 36-11-19.1].
Registered pharmacists may:
(1). Perform drug administration pursuant to a prescription drug order. The Board of Pharmacy shall establish standards for drug administration pursuant to chapter 1-26 with the approval of a committee composed of two persons appointed by the Board of Pharmacy, two persons appointed by the Board of Nursing and two persons appointed by the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners;
(2). Perform drug reviews;
(3). Perform or participate in scientific or clinical drug or drug-related research as an investigator or in collaboration with other investigators;
(4). Interpret and apply pharmacokinetic data and other pertinent laboratory data to design safe and effective drug dosage regimens;
(5). Participate in drug and drug device selection pursuant to a prescription drug order;
(6). Initiate or modify drug therapy by protocol or other legal authority established and approved within a licensed health care facility or by a practitioner authorized to prescribe drugs; and
(7). Provide information on prescription drugs, which may include advising, consulting, and educating, as necessary or as required, patients, the public, and other health care providers on the rational, safe and cost-effective use of drugs, including therapeutic values, content, hazards and appropriate use.

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When the pharmacy is remodeling within existing permitted space or when a pharmacy is attempting to improve toward the standards mentioned in North Dakota Administrative Code, the board may grant approval to move toward the standards EVEN THOUGH the amount of space available DOES NOT allow complete compliance with the standards.
True or False

When the pharmacy is remodeling within existing permitted space or when a pharmacy is attempting to improve toward the standards mentioned in North Dakota Administrative Code, the board may grant approval to move toward the standards EVEN THOUGH the amount of space available DOES NOT allow complete compliance with the standards. 

True or False

Answer: True, [North Dakota Administrative Code 61-02-02-01(10)].
When the pharmacy is remodeling within existing permitted space or when a pharmacy is attempting to improve toward the standards in section 61-02-02-01 or chapters 61-02-03 or 61-02-04, the board may grant approval to move toward the standards even though the amount of space available does not allow complete compliance with the standards.

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