Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Might Boost Antidepressants' Effects
Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Might Boost Antidepressants' Effects.
Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements Might Boost Antidepressants' Effects.
Omega-3 fish oil supplements may improve the effectiveness of antidepressants, new research suggests.
Researchers reviewed the findings of eight clinical trials worldwide, as well as other evidence, and concluded that the supplements appear to help battle depression in people already on medication.
"Omega-3 fish oil -- in combination with antidepressants -- had a statistically significant effect over a placebo," said study leader Jerome Sarris. He is head of the ARCADIA Mental Health Research Group at the University of Melbourne in Australia.
The study looked at the result of trials where patients battling depression took either a standard antidepressant plus a form of omega-3 fish oil, versus the antidepressant plus an inactive placebo.
"The difference for patients taking both antidepressants and omega-3, compared to a placebo, was highly significant," Sarris said in a university news release. "This is an exciting finding because here we have a safe, evidence-based approach that could be considered a mainstream treatment," he explained.