Mr. Smith comes to the pharmacy and asks for the prescription drug Hydrochlorothiazide. Upon reviewing his profile, the pharmacist has found that the patient has no refills left on the current prescription. The pharmacist calls the prescriber but he is out of town for 3 days. The pharmacist gives 3 days worth of medication to Mr. Smith. Is the pharmacist acting in accordance with the standard of care?
Answer: Yes, [California Pharmacy Law Chapter 4000 Section 4064].
Hydrochlorothiazide is considered a maintenance drug. It is normally indicated for the treatment of blood pressure. Mr. Smith has been taking this drug to control his blood pressure.
The pharmacist tried to contact the physician to find the current status of therapy. The pharmacist made a reasonable effort to prevent any health consequences that may arise due to discontinuation of therapy. The pharmacist was in accordance with the standard of care.
Emergency Refill of Prescription without Prescriber Authorization:
(a). A prescription for a dangerous drug or dangerous device may be refilled without the prescriber's authorization if the prescriber is unavailable to authorize the refill and if, in the pharmacist's professional judgment, failure to refill the prescription might interrupt the patient's ongoing care and have a significant adverse effect on the patient's well-being.
(b). The pharmacist shall inform the patient that the prescription was refilled pursuant to this section.
(c). The pharmacist shall inform the prescriber within a reasonable period of time of any refills dispensed pursuant to this section.
(d). Prior to refilling a prescription pursuant to this section, the pharmacist shall make every reasonable effort to contact the prescriber. The pharmacist shall make an appropriate record, including the basis for proceeding under this section.
(e). The prescriber shall not incur any liability as the result of a refilling of a prescription pursuant to this section.
(f). Notwithstanding Section 4060 or any other law, a person may possess a dangerous drug or dangerous device furnished without prescription pursuant to this section.