The prescriber shall obtain the written consent for the OPIOID prescription from the minor's parent, guardian, or, another adult authorized to consent to the minor's medical treatment. This form is commonly known as:
a. "Start Talking!"
b. "Minor Opioid"
c. "Opioid Consequences"
d. “Minor Consent”
Answer: "Start Talking!", [Ohio Revised Code Title 37 Chapter 3719 Sec.3719.061(3)].
(1). As part of the prescriber's examination of the minor, assess whether the minor has ever suffered, or is currently suffering, from mental health or substance abuse disorders and whether the minor has taken or is currently taking prescription drugs for treatment of those disorders;
(2). Discuss with the minor and the minor's parent, guardian, or another adult authorized to consent to the minor's medical treatment all of the following:
(a). The risks of addiction and overdose associated with the compound;
(b). The increased risk of addiction to controlled substances of individuals suffering from both mental and substance abuse disorders;
(c). The dangers of taking controlled substances containing opioids with benzodiazepines, alcohol, or other central nervous system depressants;
(d). Any other information in the patient counseling information section of the labeling for the compound required under 21 C.F.R. 201.57(c)(18).
(3). Obtain written consent for the prescription from the minor's parent, guardian, or, subject to division (E) of this section, another adult authorized to consent to the minor's medical treatment.
The prescriber shall record the consent on a form, which shall be known as the "Start Talking!" consent form. The form shall be separate from any other document the prescriber uses to obtain informed consent for other treatment provided to the minor. The form shall contain all of the following:
(a). The name and quantity of the compound being prescribed and the amount of the initial dose;
(b). A statement indicating that a controlled substance is a drug or other substance that the United States drug enforcement administration has identified as having a potential for abuse;
(c). A statement certifying that the prescriber discussed with the minor and the minor's parent, guardian, or another adult authorized to consent to the minor's medical treatment the matters described in division (B)(2) of this section;
(d). The number of refills, if any, authorized by the prescription;
(e). The signature of the minor's parent, guardian, or another adult authorized to consent to the minor's medical treatment and the date of signing.